If you’ve been following our progress on Facebook over the past few months, you might have noticed our volunteers have been taking an interest in the planters all around Hamworthy.

Planters in Hamworthy

Some years ago a number of these planters were positioned at various points along the Blandford Road. But for some time they have been sadly neglected, becoming overgrown with weeds and something of an eyesore.

The Friends of Hamworthy Park decided to tidy them up and make them into something to be admired. There are now signs that we have gone some way to achieving this.

Colorful displays

As you can see, the big square planters have really come up nicely with some great displays of colour.

Hamworthy planters

Hamworthy planters

And when we carried out the litter pick in the surgery area, it was apparent that the bed in front of Boots/McColls was in desperate need of attention. So over the last few weeks, we have been gradually getting that one under control, adding some colorful plants and chopping down the thorny bushes.

Hamworthy planters
From grott spot…
Hamworthy planters
…to hot spot!

Guardians of the planters! 

As you can imagine, it’s easy for FOHP to arrange some days to get the planters sorted out, but we need local help to keep them looking good. We already have a volunteer guardian for the planter near Symes Road. This community-minded person is willing to give the planter a bit of care, pull any weeds and chuck on a can or two of water when we have a dry spell. Thank you!

What we need now are guardians for the ones near Dawkins Road, the Library and Tuckers Lane. Ideally, someone who lives adjacent to give them a bit of care. If you are willing and able to be a planter guardian, please get in touch: contact

FOHP will continue to replace the plants as and when required. We are also planning to get a lick of paint on the planters once the weather changes. 


Get involved!
Do you fancy making a difference in your community, meeting some new people and getting some fresh air? We have a selection of volunteering events:

Wednesday Volunteers – meet every Wednesday in Hamworthy Park, 10.00am outside the park cafe.

Saturday Volunteers – we run a programme of Saturday volunteer events roughly once a month. The next event is the Tucker’s Field spring clean on Saturday, April 6th.

See our website or Facebook for further details. Or get in contact.


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