Getting started
On Saturday, 9th March, FOHP volunteers met up at Hamworthy Reaction ground for a litter pick. At first, it looked like being an easy job – but there ended up being a lot more litter than anyone had thought!
Areas covered
The size of team changed as people came and went, but we had around 13 volunteers who made short work of the litter in the main recreation field.
Large amounts of rubbish were found near the BMX track and particularly in the woods behind. This is where the work really started! As well as the usual bottles, cans and plastic wrappers, we also found road work barriers, metal posts, old towels and a number of old tarps. The children we had on the pick dubbed this area “litter land”!

How much rubbish?
The Council refuse guys who came to collect the litter said, and I quote, “This is the biggest amount of rubbish I’ve ever seen from a community litter pick!” We had 21 bags of litter plus a large old sign, some road work barriers and old assorted bits of tin roofing. Not bad for an hour and a half!
As an added bonus, one of our volunteers saw a common lizard sunning itself on the fringes of the rec ground. It managed to scuttle off before we could get a picture, but we are happy to have tidied up it’s home a little bit.
Thank you
A big thank you to all the volunteers who came along to pick the litter, and to the refuse guys for taking it all away.
Get involved!
Do you fancy making a difference in your community, meeting some new people and getting some fresh air? We have a selection of volunteering events:
Wednesday Volunteers – meet every Wednesday in Hamworthy Park, 10.00am outside the park cafe.
Saturday Volunteers – we run a programme of Saturday volunteer events roughly once a month. The next event is the Tucker’s Field spring clean on Saturday, April 6th.
See our website or Facebook for further details. Or get in contact.