What wonderful weather we enjoyed over the Easter weekend –  it really brought the crowds into the park especially for our Easter Fayre on the Sunday.

Getting started

We arrived before 9.00 am to assemble our event tent and lay out the tables for our cake stall, adult and children’s tombola, knitted toys (mostly containing Easter eggs), our publicity items and of course the Easter Egg trail.

Easter egg trail

When we arrived back at the stalls having laid out the trail, we had just three minutes to spare before our scheduled opening time – already a queue had formed at the Easter trail table and cakes were disappearing fast. By lunch time the tombola had sold out and there were empty spaces on the other tables. But the Easter trail was kept going until past 3.00 pm.

In all we think 158 children took part and successfully retrieved an Egg from Bunny’s Nest or Bunny’s Nursery.

What’s in the sock? 

At our publicity table we had a ‘What’s in the Sock?’ competition which was won by Vikki Ekema with a top score of 12 points –  Well done Vikki  – and many thanks for donating your £10 prize back to park funds.

For all those entrants who did not quite guess all the items correctly, here is what you felt through the socks:

1. Can opener/bottle opener.
2. Pen lid.
3. Electric socket cover/blank.
4. 1 1/2p (three old 1/2p coins).
5. Staple remover.
6. Bar of Imperial Leather soap.
7. Pastry cutter.
8. Pencil sharpener.
9. Bodkin.
10. Flower pot.
11. Rubber (eraser).
12. Padlock.

Total fundraising

The trustees consider it to have been a very successful event with plenty of positive feedback. In total £422 was raised for park funds. We thank all our park users for their support and a special thank you to those of you who donated such wonderful cakes – we could not get them all on the tables at the start! And let’s not forget all our helpers, it would not happen without you.

Should anyone have any suggestions for next year’s Fayre do please contact the Friends.

Next event

We hope to see you all again at our Plant Sale in the park on Sunday 19th May from 11.00 am.