An update from the Wednesday volunteer group.
It’s not all work on Wednesday mornings; here two volunteers take time off from weeding to admire our rose bed, The roses have attracted favourable comments from many park users who have expressed their appreciation at the colourful display we have achieved – a number saying they cannot believe how big the blooms are this year.
The primulas along the front of the bed are beginning to look untidy but as they provided such a great colourful spectacle throughout the winter months we are reluctant to remove them. Hopefully, they will be even better next winter!
Next Wednesday we intend to remove the yellowing leaves and plant a row of summer flowering mixed colour antirrhinums between them.
As we were gardening, we noticed that the dry weather has shown up a large area of discoloured grass – we believe the marked difference in the colour of the grass indicates the location of the old boating lake.
See this old picture of the park and compare for yourself – what do you think?