Despite the mixed weather for our bulb planting event in the park, a large number of spring bulbs were planted between the showers.
The Trustees would like to say a very big thank you for all the help we received. It was particularly encouraging for us to see a good number of enthusiastic children there as well as a number of new faces. The planting continued along the area we started last year – the avenue of young oak trees between the cafe and outdoor activity centre.
Last year, we handed out the bulbs near the cafe and the children could not get them in the ground fast enough! This meant that at the cafe end we had a wonderful display, while at the other end the display of spring bulbs was quite sparse. So, this year we’ve concentrated on the outdoor activity centre end and planted over 1,300 crocus and 600 mixed miniature daffodils and narcissus in that area.
Considering the amount of rain we have had recently it was quite surprising as we dug the planting holes how dry the soil remains just 2 inches below the surface!
We kept a few bulbs back as we hope to have a local nursery school in the park who want to do some planting. Last week, owing to the weather, we had to cancel the planned planting by Muddy Boots Nursery but they managed to come down on Friday and enjoyed themselves getting some bulbs in the ground.
Keep your eyes open next year as, hopefully, we should have a dazzling array of colour along ‘Oak Tree Avenue’, and for those of you who came and planted bulbs, you’ll be able to say “That one’s mine!”
Even with the bulb planting event and the nursery schools, we still have over 1,000 large daffodils and other assorted bulbs to plant which we hope our Wednesday Volunteers will be putting in over the next few weeks. These will be planted at various locations throughout the park and there are some tulips and iris for the flower bed in front of the cafe.
If you’d like to make your mark on the park, come down and join us. Wednesday, 10.00am, outside the Park Cafe. See you there!