Litter – update
In our summer newsletter, we reported the problems we were having with litter in the park (read more here). As summer drew to a close and autumn started, the litter problem naturally reduced.
However, that doesn’t mean that nothing was being done. The council has procured a 2-minute litter pick board. This has litter pickers and small bin bags so that anyone can come and do a 2 minute clean up in the park or on the beach. The board is situated outside the Park Cafe – go and have a look for yourself!
We hope that this board will inspire people to help keep the park clean and tidy, and reduce the amount of litter that FOHP volunteers pick on a Wednesday morning. Already some people have been getting stuck in as shown by several posts on Facebook.
Here is what the Council officers had to say at the time:
This week we launched our #2minutelitterpick board down at Hamworthy Park! We have been working with the Friends of Hamworthy Park on this and we hope the board will help people get involved in taking care of the space. Taking 2 minutes to quickly pick some litter can make a huge difference when everyone takes part! The board is placed by the cafe with litter picks and bags.
The board is based on being self-sustaining with members of the public helping to bring their own reusable bags to use and refill the board with.
We hope this is another step in increasing how we all look after the beautiful parks of Poole!
We will continue to monitor the litter situation and come May 2019, once the park starts to get used more, we will see if we have the same problems as 2018. If we do, FOHP would like to implement an action plan together with the council to combat any increase in littering.