As is stated in the friend’s constitution, FOHP’s activities are not only confined to the park but also ‘the surrounding areas’. So we have recently taken on other tasks in the Hamworthy area.
Out and about
The November litter pick at St Michael’s churchyard and the wooded area surrounding is a case in point. As is the December litter pick down Rigler Road. Both of these were held in conjunction with local community groups and local residents.
Flower planters
Many of our community may have noticed how neglected the flower planters along the Blandford Road have become since they were installed some years ago. It is believed they were installed by our council but it is obvious very little maintenance has been carried out for some considerable time and the build-up of weeds and litter in them had become most unsightly.
Over the last week or so a few of the friends have been tidying them up removing the weeds, topping up the soil levels and planting wallflowers, viola, daffodil and hyacinth bulbs so hopefully, come the springtime, they should look a lot more attractive. Those dealt with so far are located near the library, Tuckers Lane and Dawkins road junctions. We hope to do the one opposite Dawkins Road soon.
Can you help?
Once these planters have been tidied up they should require very little upkeep and it would be most appreciated if a resident or two near to them would undertake occasional weeding and some watering when required. Any volunteers please contact the Friends. Contact.
Future plans
Another area that we have occasionally picked up litter and dog mess is Tuckers Field – we hope to plant some more spring bulbs there and possibly arrange a Tucker’s Field “TLC” day. Litter picks on Hamworthy recreation ground and the linked foreshore walk have also been mooted. Keep your eyes peeled for our extended programme in the new year!