At last the Wednesday volunteers have been able to get back to some much needed work in the park. (With added social distancing, of course!)
The last two Wednesdays we have caught up with the litter and dog picking and made some headway on the Cafe flower bed. But clearing all the weeds has been hard going.
It is so long since we had any rain that it has been like trying to push a hoe through concrete. And as the weeds break off rather than pull out once we do get some rain they are all going to grow again.
For the moment just don’t look at the front of the flower bed! The wall flowers are over and the remains of the primulars looking a bit sorry for themselve. But as we get things under control these will be replaced with some summer bedding plants.
The iris have been looking good but are nearly over but for now just cast your eyes over the roses.
They are doing exceptionally well particularly so early in the summer and in case you have failed to spot that low down beautiful specimen white rose it is pictured here.