With the weather we have had recently it is hard to remember those wonderful summer months. The sun shone so bright and hot that we had to search out what available shade there was in the park.
The problem
We have been aware for some time there is very little natural shade in the park and one of our current projects is to increase the amount. Many of you have also told us you’d like more shade in Hamworthy Park. As part of this project, you may have noticed the Council cutting back the shrubbery in the copse situated behind the new beach huts. Bark was scattered underneath the trees too.
The solution
The plan is to position picnic tables under the trees there. If it turns out to be a success the same could be done with other copses in the park. As a consequence of cutting back the shrubbery, another situation may be overcome: that of unsociable behaviour.
In opening up the area, it hopefully will be less of an attractive hideout for those who try to camp there then litter the area with their empty booze bottles and drug paraphernalia.
More shade
Another consequence we did not anticipate when clearing the old sheep pens and associated shrubbery is has how the shade provided by the young oak trees was welcomed by many park users last summer.
The amount of shade provided by these trees is still rather sparse. But it’s better than nothing and it can only improve as time goes on. Perhaps we could plant more trees in the park to provide that sweet summer shade in Hamworthy Park.