Check out all the upcoming park events.
Sun02Feb202010:00 amForeland Road play area, Turlin Moor
The local community in Turlin Moor are organising regular litter picks - FOHP is going along to support.
The first sunday of every month, 10.00am at Foreland play area.
Tue11Feb202010:00 amCoop, Blandford Road
FOHP volunteers will be in the Coop Foyer - pop in for a chat and all the latest information about the park. We'll be selling all the usual cards, keyrings and coasters etc.
Sat14Mar20209:30 amHamworthy Park, behind the flood bank
After the success of the wildflower area, we are expanding the bed to at least double the size.
To get started, we need to dig the area out. Come and help with this great project and make your mark on the park!
Sun12Apr202011:00 amHamworthy Park
******This event has been cancelled ****** Join us in the Park for the annual free Easter Egg Hunt!
Thu16Apr20207:00 pmHamworthy Library
***** This event has been cancelled *****
The FOHP AGM is set for 19.00 on April 16th.
Come and have your say on all things to do with Hamworthy Park - get progress reports on old projects and find out about exciting new ones.
Sun17May202010:00 amHamworthy Park
***** Cancelled *****
It's time for the annual plant sale, a sure sign that spring is here!
Get all your garden plants and plants for your veg patch - stock up for a green-fingered summer.
Sat04Jul202011.00-13.00Hamworthy Park
***** Cancelled - all events on BCP Council land have been cancelled- as such the FOHP summer fete will not take place *****
It's time for the annual park fete. This daytime event features a variety of children’s games and rides, along with numerous stalls. There will be music and a children’s entertainer. All-in-all, a great family day in the park!