You may remember that as well as keeping the park flower beds beautiful, FOHP volunteers take the time to look after various planters and flowerbeds around Hamworthy. Let’s get an update…

Blandford road planters

Despite the recent bad weather, both the flower beds in the park and the Blandford Road planters are displaying a good amount of colour.

Some of the crocus and daffodils are starting to fade in a number of the locations but the hyacinths are in their prime and a few dwarf tulips are starting to appear.

Boots/McColls planter

The one location we have trouble with is the bed outside Boots and McColls.  We find it very difficult to get plants to grow there, we have planted many primulars and bellis but they do not thrive like the ones outside the park cafe. There is a very invasive weed in this bed so if we can deal with that we may have a bit more success.