The FOHP took the advantage of an offer from the Bournemouth and Poole Preservation Club of a free stall promoting our organisation at their Classic Transport Gala Weekend held adjacent to Harmons Cross station on the Swanage Steam Railway.  Although somewhat out of our area, we thought it worth a try and it proved to be quite successful.

Vanessa the Paddling Pool Van joins her friend from the Swanage Steam Railway for a bit of promotional work at Harmon’s Cross
The friends manned our stall for the three days and at times were very busy, particularly just after a train had arrived. A surprisingly large number of visitors were familiar with our park and eager to be updated on what is currently happening in the park.
A number of former Hamworthy residents we met were pleased to reminisce on happy days spent in the park and were fully supportive of our projects – particularly our efforts to save the paddling pool.
FOHPs efforts were well rewarded as the total fundraising amounted to £199.01.
Thank you to everyone who supported us.